C!CERO Organisationsentwicklung GmbH, Managing Partner (since 2009),
Psychologist with focus on work and organizational psychology
Coaching in companies is the trend. And increasingly, internal coaches are active as coaches for their colleagues in the company:
Many specialists and managers in companies have already completed coaching training and enthusiastically registered in the coach pool for in-house coaches.
The first clients in the company are happy to take up this offer.
And a while after the coaching training and a few hours of experience with clients, curious and probing questions increasingly emerge among the coaches:
How do I continue to develop as a coach?
Where are my strengths, my "blind spots", my areas of development
The tools from the coaching training do not quite fit the client's questions: What to do?
How do I deal with the client's desire for recipes and practical tips that can be implemented immediately?
My clients challenge me again and again with very specific questions that make me very uncomfortable. How do I deal with my own insecurity here?
How "business-blind" am I? Where are the limits and opportunities of coaching in the company = in my own system?
Photo by TheDigitalArtist on PixabayEmpowering myself as a coach: Sharpen mindset, coaching offer & coaching skills.
Reflect and design process level: Establish coaching relationship & develop coaching process in partnership with clients.
Include systemic level: Coaching results - achieve impact & sustainable change in the team/company
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Target group: internal coaches
CCEUs from ICF (will be applied for)
Contents: 5 modules of 3 hours each
C!CERO Organisationsentwicklung GmbH, Managing Partner (since 2009),
Psychologist with focus on work and organizational psychology